Born in Italy in 1983, Christian Fogarolli obtained a degree in archeology in 2007 to then pursuing his historical-artistic studies with a master’s degree in 2011 at the University of Trento, alongside a master’s degree in diagnostics and restoration of works of art at the University of Verona. Since 2011, he has been dedicated to studies and research of artistic, philosophical, and historical practices.

His theoretical and field research unfolds in archival and museum contexts, from which he draws inspiration with the aim of enhancing little-known heritages. His practice develops at the intersection of visual art and scientific disciplines, investigating how the latter have used the artistic medium to progress. Through historical and archival research, he attempts to deconstruct the binary condition that separates deviance and normality, reflecting on the normative attributions of disease, marginalization, and categorization in contemporary society.

He works through different forms of expression, from installation to photography, from sculpture to video. Fogarolli’s works stimulate critical thinking on the relationship between the mind and the brain, reflecting on how the functional processes of the latter interact with the subjective ones of the mind and investigating how these acts of thought develop into behaviors considered lawful or prohibited.

The results of his research have been displayed in events such as dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel (2012); MART, Museum of Modern and Contemporary art of Rovereto (2013); The Maison Rouge in Paris (2014); Museum of the Foundation Miniscalchi-Erizzo in Verona (2015); de Appel arts centre of Amsterdam (2015); 5th Moscow International Biennale in Moscow (2016); the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow (2017); Gaîté Lyrique of Paris (2017); Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin (2017); Les Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles (2018); MAXXI, the National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, Rome (2018); Fortuny Palace Museum, Venice (2018); Musée de Grenoble (2019); Musée d’histoire de la Médecine in Parigi (2020); MARe Museum of Contem­porary Art in Bucarest (2020); STATE Experience Science in Berlin (2020); Löwenbraukunst Art Center e schwarzescafé Luma Westbau in Zurich (2020); Fondation Gschwandner Reaktor in Wien (2020); GAM Galleria di Arte Moderna in Turin (2020); MAMM Multimedia Art Museum in Moscow (2020); Benetton Foundation in Treviso (2021); MAMbo, Museo d’Arte Moderna in Bologna (2022); CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (2022); MART, Galleria Civica, Trento (2014-18-23); Fundación Telefónica in Madrid (2023).

He received research and residency awards at the College of Physicians and Mütter Museum, Philadelphia (2018); Futura Center for Contemporary Art, Prague (2018); Italian Council Prize granted by the Italian Ministry of the Culture, Rome (2019); A Collection Prize, Vicenza; Boghossian Foundation - Villa Empain, Bruxelles (2024).

Selected solo exhibitions


  • Untitled, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin, DE (upcoming)


  • Around Video, solo show, Brussels, BE
  • Phantom models 7, site-specific installation at University Museum UMCG, Groningen, NL
  • Decade, curated by G.Lorenzoni, texts E. Viola, P. Pancotto, E. Barisoni, D.Isaia, MART Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Galleria Civica, Trento, IT


  • Pneuma, screening, public presentation of the project and monography, MAMbo Museo d’arte moderna, Bologna, IT
  • A Form of Delusion, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Galerie Alberta Pane, Venice, IT


  • Pneuma, curated by G. Busetti, Löwenbräukunst Contemporary Art Center and schwarzescafé Luma Westbau, Zurich, CH
  • The Outer Reaches of the Inner Self, Etablissement Gschwandner Reaktor, Wien, A
  • Pneuma, curated by E. Kessler, D. Stirlea, G. Lorenzoni, MARe Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, RO
  • Pneuma, curated by Johanna Teresa Wallenborn and Giulia Busetti, STATE Experience Science, Berlin, DE
  • Monomania, commissionated by Christine Clerici and Marie-Véronique Clin, coordinator G. Nardelli, Musée d’histoire de la Médecine, Paris, FR


  • The Value of Absence, site-specific installation for the permanent collection, curated by Patrick Allegaert and Yoon Hee Lamot, Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, B
  • Phantom models 6, Kyiv, solo project and projection curated by G. Colletti, National Museum of Medicine, Ukraine, Kyiv, UA
  • Il corpo d’aria, text by Angel Moya Garcia, Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris, FR
  • Stone of Madness, monographic intervention curated by Lorenzo Balbi, Palazzo Poggi Museum, Bologna, IT
  • Recent works, double show with M. Spanghero, Galerie Alberta Pane, Venice, IT


  • Stone of Madness, curated by Nadim Samman, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin, DE
  • Krajany, curated by Angel Moya Garcia, Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Lucca, IT
  • Mind the Gap, curated by G. Gastaldon, Mental Health Center, Basaglia Park, Gorizia, IT
  • Persona, Christian Fogarolli-Filippo Berta, curated by C. Sala, Casa Testori, Milan, IT
  • Phantom models IV, curated by Martina Galetová, Hrdlicka Museum of Man, Prague, CZ


  • Satelliti, curated by W. Guadagnini, E. Grazioli, D. Dufour, text by F. Farinelli, Museum of the history of Psychiatry, Palace of Museums, Reggio Emilia, IT


  • Phantom models III, curated by G. Malerba and C. Ianeselli, Anatomical Museum Luigi Rolando, Turin, IT
  • Le Monde du Ticqueur, text by Giuliana Setari Carusi, Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris, FR


  • Esoscheletro, curated by S. Fontana, text by S. Raimondi, Civic Museum, Treviglio, IT


  • Clair, curated by C. Sala, text by R. Pinto, TRA, Treviso Ricerca Arte, Treviso, IT
  • Myopie, curated by C. Rota and S. Raimondi, The Blank Residency, Bergamo, IT


  • White, curated by C. Ianeselli, Arte Boccanera Gallery, Trento, IT


  • Noli me tangere, Crediveneto rooms, Padova, IT


  • Katábasis, curated by C. Ianeselli, Palazzo Salvadori, Trento, IT

Selected group exhibitions


  • Nganga, a research project with Boghossian Foundation and in collaboration with Royal Museum for Central Africa, Bruxelles, BE
  • Artefiera, Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bologna, IT


  • Cerebro(s), curated by Emily Sargent and Ricard Solé, in collaboration with Wellcome Collection and CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, ES
  • Bios Techne. Corpo ambiente e tecnologia, curated by J. Bianchera, L. Bochicchio, permanent exhibition from AGI Collection, University of Verona, IT
  • Moi-Même, (faute de mieux), Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris, FR


  • The Mountain Touch, curated by Andrea Lerda, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Turin, IT (upcoming)
  • Beyond Baroque, curated by Valentina Locatelli, Schloss Waldegg, Feldbrunnen Canton Solothurn, CH
  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino, IT
  • Cerebro(s), curated by Emily Sargent and Ricard Solé, in collaboration with Wellcome Collection London, CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, ES


  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino, IT
  • Metafotografia, curated by Mauro Zanchi e Sara Benaglia, BACO, Base Arte Contemporanea Odierna, Bergamo, IT
  • Blossoming of Trust, Miart, International fair of Modern and Contemporary Art, Milan, IT
  • Loves Art Collection, Spazio Leonardo, Milan, IT
  • Italian Twist, curated by Elisa Carollo e Mattia Solari, Gallerie delle Prigioni, Benetton Foundation, Treviso, IT
  • Danae Revisited, curated by Carlo Sala, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, Treviso, IT


  • Stasi Frenetica, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa, GAM, Galleria di Arte Moderna, Torino, IT
  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, digital version
  • Certain Disorder, curated by Antoine de Galbert, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, RU
  • #80 #90, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, La Fondazione, Roma, IT
  • Photo Open Up 2020. Festival Internazionale di Fotografia, Cattedrale ex Macello, Padova, IT
  • Ti Bergamo, curated by L. Giusti, V. Gervasoni, GAMeC Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, IT
  • Fondamenta, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa, project by Artissima, IT
  • REC, project with Sky Arte, Amaci and Save the Children


  • TULCA, Tactical Magic, curated by Kerry Guinan, Galway, IE
  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino, IT
  • My Blueberry Night, works from collectors club GAMeC, curated by Antonio Grulli, Ex Ateneo Piazza Duomo, Città Alta – Bergamo, IT
  • Madness, curated by Uwe Goldstein, Museum im Park- museum for Contemporary Art and Culture of the Historical Psychiatric Clinic, Bremen, DE
  • Photo open up, Festival internazionale di Fotografia, Cattedrale ex Macello, Padova, IT
  • Una Partie de Campagne, Château d’Esquelbecq,Grand Place, Esquelbecq, FR
  • Souvenirs de voyage, curated by Sophie Bernard, Musée de Grenoble, FR
  • Handle with Care, a project by Giuseppe Stampone, Fondamenta Sant’Anna, Venice, IT


  • FutuRuins, curated by D. Ferretti, D. Ozerkov with D. Dalla Lana, co-organised with the State Hermitage Museum of Saint Petersburg, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT
  • La condizione umana: oltre l’istituzione totale, curated by H. Marsala, Palazzo Ajutamicristo, Palermo, IT
  • Ex Post, curated by Gabriele Lorenzoni, Margherita De Pilati, Galleria Civica-Mart, Trento, IT
  • ArtBerlin, Fair for Modern and Contemporary Art, Berlin, DE
    -Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino, IT
  • Robotics, curated by Valentino Catricalà and Maria Campitelli, Centrale Idronamica, Trieste, IT
  • Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles 2018, Portrait(s), Magazin Électrique, Arles, FR
  • Media Art Festival, curated by Valentino Catricalà, MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, IT
  • Arco, Fiera Interacional de Arte Contemporàneo, Fiera de Madrid, Madrid, ES
  • La Ginestra, Christian Fogarolli, Ismaïl Bahri, Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Paul Hage Boutros, Marco Godinho Galerie Alberta Pane, Venice, IT


  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino, IT
  • Premio Cairo, Palazzo Reale, Milano, IT
  • In depth of Identity, curated by A. Lerda, Studio La Città, Verona, IT
  • Rencontres Internationales, Nouveau Cinema at Art Contemporain, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE
  • Le Désir, Galerie Alberta Pane, Venice, IT
  • Eau & Gaz, curated by Kathrin Oberrauch, Lanserhaus Museum, Bolzano, IT
  • Rencontres Internationales, Nouveau Cinema at Art Contemporain, Paris, Gaite Lyrique, FR
  • In/Human: The Body as Resource, curated by MLitt curatorial practice and Minhea Mircan, The Hunterian
    Museum & Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, SCO
  • Artefiera, Bologna, IT


  • 5th Moscow International Biennale for young art, curated by Nadim Samman, Trekhgornaya Manufaktura, NCCA and MMOMA, Moscow, RU
  • Punctum, curated by Sara Cosulich Canarutto, Intesa San Paolo skyscraper, Turin, IT
  • Palinsesti, curated by Giorgia Gastaldon, Palazzo Altan, San Vito al Tagliamento, IT
  • The Hawt Show, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Rome, IT
  • Session #1, Blackslash and Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris, FR
  • Die Van Aalst, curated by Jan De Nys, texts and talks by Luk Lambrecht, Philippe Van Cauteren, Cultuurcentrum Belgica, Belgium, BE
  • La mano occulta, Artdate 16, Polarexpo – Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, IT
  • Art Brussels, Bruxelles, BE
  • Regard, Artdate, Polarexpo Bergamo, Treviglio, IT
  • Art of Humanity, Pratt Institute, New York, USA
  • Artrotterdam, Rotterdam, NL


  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino, IT
  • The Morning I Killed a Fly, curated by C. Ianeselli, Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, IT
  • La sottile linea del tempo, curated by M. Paderni, Foundation Museum Miniscalchi Erizzo, Verona, IT
  • Spell to Spelling, Spelling to Spell, curated by I. Lāce, C. Ianeselli, de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam, NL
  • Imago Mundi, mappa dell’arte nuova, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia, IT
  • Videoart, curated by R. Barilli and with the collaboration of F. Cavallucci, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, IT
  • Praestigium. Contemporary artists from Italy. Works from Luciano Benetton Collection, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, IT
  • Il destino delle cose, curated by L. Meneghelli, La Giarina Gallery, Verona, IT
  • Tensione 10, Historical Vertical Museum, Treviglio, IT


  • Le Mur, curated by Paula Aisemberg, La Maison Rouge, Paris, FR
  • Treviglio’s Prize, curated by S. Fontana, Civic Museum, Treviglio, IT
  • The Inner Outside, curated by G. D. Levis, Casso, Vajont, IT
  • Videoart Yearbook, Annual of Italian Videoart, curated by R. Barilli, University of Bologna, IT
  • Chiamata a raccolta. Collezioni private in mostra, curated by R. Festi, Galleria Civica, Trento, IT
  • Resto del Carlino Art Prize, curated by V. Deho, Arte Fiera, Bologna, IT


  • Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino
  • Francesco Fabbri Contemporary art, curated by C. Sala, Treviso, IT
  • Celeste Prize 2013, curated by A. Bruciati, PAN, Naples, IT
  • Big Bang, curated by Boccanera, Le Albere by Renzo Piano, IT
  • Videoart Yearbook, Annual of Italian Videoart, curated by R. Barilli and Fama Gallery, University of Bologna, IT
  • The magnificent obsession: C. Fogarolli, E. Isgrò, L. Moro, P. Cao, P. Meoni, MART, Rovereto, IT
  • Group exhibition, curated by A. Bruciati, Civic Museum Giovanni Fattori, Livorno, IT


  • dOCUMENTA (13), curated by C. Christov-Bakargiev, The Worldly House, Karlsaue Park, Kassel, DE
  • Francesco Fabbri Contemporary art, Villa Brandolini, Treviso, IT
  • Coney Island 1903, curated by F. Bartolini, Arte Boccanera Gallery, Trento, IT
  • Twentieth Century and Beyond: from de Chirico to Multimedia, greats masters and young Italian reality, Palazzo Pisani, Vicenza, IT


  • 54th International Art Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia ‘ILLUMInations’ - ‘L’Arte non è Cosa Nostra’, Sala Nervi, Torino, IT
  • Pride, Museum of Contemporary Art - ARCOS, Benevento, IT

Art prizes | Grants | Residencies

  • Residency Prize, Boghossian Foundation, in collaboration with Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Bruxelles, BE (2024)
  • Premio Matteo Olivero Award, Saluzzo, IT, finalist, (2021)
  • A Collection Residency, Bonotto Foundation, Vicenza, IT (2020)
  • Italian Council prize, promoted and funded by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Cultural, IT, winner (2019)
  • Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians, Travel Grant, Philadelphia, USA, winner, (2018)
  • Futura Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, CZ, winner residence prize, (2017)
  • XIII Premio Cairo, Milan, IT (finalist) (2017)
  • de Appel Arts Centre, research in collaboration with The Vrolik Museum, The Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, and Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden, NL, (2015)
  • Premio Treviglio, IT, winner, (2014)
  • Premio Francesco Fabbri, IT, winner, (2014)
  • Arte Laguna International Art Prize, IT (winner residence prize) (2014)
  • Resto del Carlino Prize Collection, Arte Fiera, Bologna, IT (winner) (2014)
  • The Blank Contemporary Art, Bergamo, IT (winner residence prize) (2014)
  • Ancient printing techniques, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, IT (2013)
  • Terna Prize 04, IT (finalist) (2012)

Seminars | Workshops | Lectures

  • Christian Fogarolli tra patrimoni culturali e contemporaneità, Corso di Economia della Cultura, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli (2021)
  • Pneuma, workshop and action at schwarzescafé | Luma Westbau, Löwenbräukunst Contemporary Art Center, Zurich (2020)
  • Christian Fogarolli. Arte contemporanea tra cura mentale e scienze mediche, Corso in psicologia dell’arte, Dipartimento delle Arti di Bologna (2019)
  • Master IUAV in Photography, lecture on images and photography, IUAV, Venezia (2018)
  • Follia e ragione. Pensare il presente festival filosofico 2017, talk, Auditorium Stefanini, Treviso (2017)
  • Phantom models: nervous connections in the Human brain, Muse Workshop and lecture with Irene Campolmi, curator and researcher at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Medicinsk Museion, Copenhagen (2017)
  • La mano occulta, workshop curated by Christian Fogarolli, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo (2016)
  • Master – IUAV – in Photography, lecture on photography as research, IUAV, Venezia (2016)
  • A Day in the life of Thomas, lecture on the work of Christian Fogarolli with Laurens de Rooy (NL) and Joanna Ebenstein (US), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2015)
  • Training diagnostic paintings, NID4P, lecture, Open Care, Milano (2015)
  • Go into yourself, Artist workshop curated by C. Fogarolli, MART, Rovereto (2012)
  • Private Collections
  • La Maison Rouge, Foundation Antoine de Galbert, Paris
  • AGI Collection, Verona
  • dOCUMENTA Archiv, Kassel
  • Hollander - Barzilaï Collection, Brussels
  • Fondazione Elena e Claudio Cerasi, Rome
  • Intesa San Paolo Collection, Turin
  • Boghossian Foundation Collection, Brussels
  • MAMbo Museo d’arte Moderna, Bologna
  • Finstral Collection, Bolzano
  • Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent
  • Cà’ Pesaro, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Venice
  • Collezione della Banca d’Italia, Rome
  • MARe Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest
  • Italian Arts Council, Rome
  • MART, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rovereto
  • Tiroler Landesmuseen Collection, Innsbruck
  • P.O.C. Collection, Brussels
  • Palazzo Magnani Foundation, Reggio Emilia
  • Rotary International
  • BACO, Arte Contemporanea, Bergamo
  • Benetton Foundation, Treviso
  • Civic Museum, Treviglio
  • Resto del Carlino Collection, Bologna



  • Decade, Monograph with text by E. Viola, P. Pancotto, E. Barisoni, L. Longobardi, D. Isaia, published by MART, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rovereto
  • Beyond Baroque, by Art+Chateau, designed and edited by Jusélius Hausamman GmbH, printed by Druckerei Herzog AG, Lagendorf, Switzerland


  • Cerebro(s), edited by CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona and Direcciò de Comunicaciò de la Diputaciò de Barcelona, in collaboration with Wellcome Collection, London
  • The Mountain Touch, edited by Museo Nazionale della Montagna, graphic project Paolo Cagliero, printed by L’Artistica Savigliano
  • Gallerie delle Prigioni 2, edited by Benetton Foundation, Treviso


  • Pneuma, Monograph of the project supported by Italian Council and Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture, graphic project by Multiplo, edited and printed by Grafiche Veneziane Grafiche Veneziane, distributed by Les presses du réel, Dijon, France
  • Metafotografia 3: Imagomorfosi e altre ricerche, designed by Ch-ro-mo, edited by Skinnerbox, ed. 300, Softcover
  • Danae Revisited, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, edited by 2021 edizioni Francesco Fabbri, printed by Graficart, Resana, Treviso.


  • La condizione umana, Oltre l’istituzione totale, catalogue of the exhibition made in 2018 at Palazzo Aiutamicristo in Palermo, graphic Tomo Studio, print Officine Grafiche, Palermo, 285 pag.
  • A Room with a view / Camera con vista, Lightbox Publishing, Cannaregio, Venice
  • Boris Godunow Secondhand-Zeit, Staatsoper Stuttgart
  • Un mormorio di insetti oscuri. La rappresentazione della devianza mentale nelle opere di Christian Fogarolli, Master's degree thesis in Art and cultural mediation: history, methods and European trends, by Bianca Penniello with Stefano Ferrari and Chiara Tartarini, 2019/2020


  • TULCA, Tactical Magic, curated by Kerry Guinan, Galway
  • Unhinged: On Jitterbugs, Melancholics and Mad-Doctors, Hardcover: 256 pages, Publisher: Cannibal Publishing, Language: English, Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium
  • My Blueberry Night, works from collectors club GAMeC, Bergamo.
  • Souvenirs de voyage, Co-Edition, FAGE Editions/Museé de Grenoble, Auteurs : Sophie Bernard, Didier Semin, Guy Tosatto, 288 pages
  • Photo Open Up, Festival Internazionale di Fotografia, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, 2019, Padova


  • Christian Fogarolli, Monograph with text by Lorenzo Benedetti and published by MART, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rovereto
  • Stone of Madness, Publisher Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin, edited by Gruppo Industriale FG - Savignano sul Panaro
  • Cent portraits, extraits de la Collection Antoine De Galbert, Actes Sud Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris
  • Persona, Filippo Berta e Christian Fogarolli, Casa Testori, Milan
  • Futuruins, Rovine future, catalogue curated by Daniela Ferretti, Dario Dalla Lana, Davide Daninos, graphic project by Tomomot, edited and printed by Grafiche Veneziane for Palazzo Fortuny, MUVE, Venezia
  • Les Rencontres de la Photographie, edited by Les Rencontres d'Arles - Actes Sud , Arles
  • La Ginestra, Galerie Alberta Pane, edited by Multiplo design, Padova


  • Eau & Gaz, Gruppo Padovana, Padua, Longo Ag Edition, Bozen
  • Le Désir, Galerie Alberta Pane, edited by Multiplo design, Padova
  • Fotografia Europea 2017. Mappe del tempo. Memoria, archivi, futuro, Edited by Silvana Editore, Cinisello Balsamo, Milano
  • 222 Artisti emergenti su cui investire, curated by C. Biasini Selvaggi, Exibart editins, Roma, Italia


  • 5th Moscow International Biennale for young art, curated by Nadim Samman, Trekhgornaya Manufaktura, NCCA, and MMOMA, Moscow
  • Le Monde du Ticqueur, edited by Galeria Alberta Pane & Ad’hoc, Paris
  • Palinsesti, Lithostampa, Pasian di Prato, Udine


  • Esoscheletro, solo show, Nomos Edition, Milano
  • The morning i killed i fly, Edited by Emilio Mazzoli, Modena
  • La sottile linea del tempo, curated by M. Paderni, Foundation Museum Miniscalchi Erizzo, edited by Pelicula snc, Pesaro
  • *Spell to Spelling * Spelling to Spell, de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam
  • Imago Mundi, Praestigium Italia, Contemporary Artists from Italy, Luciano Benetton Foundation
  • Il destino delle cose, La Giarina Gallery


  • Le Mur, curated by LMR, La Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris
  • Witty Mag #3, curated by Tommaso Parillo, limited edition of 150
  • Premio Treviglio, edited by PubliPaolini, Mantova
  • Clair, TRA, Treviso Ricerca Arte, Treviso
  • Chiamata a raccolta. Collezioni private in mostra, curated by R. Festi, Galleria Civica, Mart, Trento


  • La magnifica ossessione, curated by Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, MART, Rovereto
  • white, curated by C. Ianeselli, Arte Boccanera, Trento
  • Videoart yearbook, l’annuario della video arte italiana, curated by R. Barilli, Università di Bologna


  • dOCUMENTA (13), Das Logbuch, curated by C. Christov Bakargiev, Hatje Cantz, Kassel
  • dOCUMENTA (13), Das Begleitbuch, curated by C. Christov Bakargiev, Hatje Cantz, Kassel
  • Terna Prize 04 for Contemporary Art, curated by L. Ornaghi, A. Zanardi Landi, Milano
  • Francesco Fabbri Prize for Contemporary Art, curated by C. Sala, Treviso


  • Lo stato dell'Arte, curated by V. Sgarbi, 54° Biennale di Venezia, Istituto Nazionale di Cultura, Venezia
  • Twentieth Century and Beyond: from de Chirico to Multimedia, greats masters and young italian reality, Vicenza
  • Katábasis, curated by C. Ianeselli and I. Merler, Trento

Selected Critical Texts

  • Cartografie del disagio, by Eugenio Viola, En/It (2023)
  • Il valore della storia contemporanea eppure antica, by Elisabetta Barisoni, En/It (2023)
  • Pneuma: la (im)materialità della ricerca partecipata, by Giulia Busetti, En/It (2023)
  • Tutti i nostri santi, by Denis Isaia, En/It (2023)
  • Corpi senza menzogna, by Lucrezia Longobardi, En/It (2023)
  • Decade, by Gabriele Lorenzoni, En/It (2023)
  • A Form of Delusion, by Pier Paolo Pancotto, En/It (2022)
  • Pneuma, by Chiara Vecchiarelli, En/It (2021)
  • Notes for a poetical reading of Christian Fogarolli’s work, by Gabriele Lorenzoni, En/It (2021)
  • Pneuma, by Giulia Colletti, En/It (2021)
  • Pneuma-like dissociative amnesia, by Artificial Intelligence (AI) with GP-2 model, En/It (2021)
  • Pneuma, by Lorenzo Balbi, En/It (2021)
  • What do you think you're gonna find? Encounters, divergences, repositionings, by Giulia Busetti, En/It (2021)
  • The wind, the wind, the heavenly child, by Veit Loers, Monograph of the artist, De/En/It (2020)
  • La main, le cerveau, le souffle, by Léa Bismuth, Fr/En/It (2020)
  • Ars medica, by Lorenzo Benedetti. Monograph of the artist published by MART - Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rovereto, En/It (2019)
  • Stone of Madness, by Nadim Samman, En/De/It (2018)
  • Il Corpo d'aria, by Angel Moya Garcia, En/It (2018)
  • Erasure of borders, by Inga Lāce, En/It (2017)
  • Estensione di memoria, by Franco Farinelli, En/It (2017)
  • Le Monde du Ticqueur, by Giuliana Setari Carusi, Fr/En/It (2016)
  • Esoscheletro, by Stefano Raimondi, En/It (2016)
  • A Day in the Life of Thomas, the Crystallographer, by Inga Lāce and Chiara Ianeselli, En/It (2015)
  • A conversation with, by Roberto Pinto, En/It (2014)
  • Clair, determinismo e percezione, by Carlo Sala, En/It (2014)
  • Lost Identities, by Gabriele Lorenzoni, En/It (2013)
  • White, by Chiara Ianeselli, En/It (2013)
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→ Galerie Alberta Pane

→ Galerie Mazzoli